Peace lilies are one of the most popular indoor plants but they can also be planted outdoors in some areas.
Caring for outdoor peace lilies is fairly easy, providing the conditions are right.
In this article I’ll share my tips for growing healthy peace lily plants outdoors in your garden.
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How to grow peace lilies outdoors
Outdoor peace lily (Spathiphyllum) plants grow best in tropical and subtropical climates.
If you live in USDA zone 10 to 12 or an area outside the US that has warm temperatures year round you can plant peace lilies outdoors in your garden.
In cooler climates peace lilies can be planted in pots outdoors and taken indoors when the weather starts to cool down.
The best location to plant peace lilies outdoors is a sheltered spot with dappled sunlight or early morning sunlight.
Peace lilies can’t tolerate direct sunlight because it causes leaf scorch.
Choose a spot in the garden that is protected from strong winds and where the water doesn’t pool after heavy rain.
Peace lilies bloom well outdoors as long as they receive some filtered light during the day.
They begin blooming in spring and often bloom again in fall.
The flowers are actually tall white bracts, known as spathes and they last for one to two months before turning brown.
You can remove the spent flowers by using pruning shears or scissors to cut the flower stem at the base of the plant.
Don’t pull the flower stem because it can damage the plant.
Planting peace lilies outdoors
Prepare the soil before planting by digging in some broken down compost or soil improver.
Dig a hole large enough to fit the root ball and place the plant in the bottom of the hole.
Fill the hole with soil and give the plant a thorough watering.
If you’re planting more than one plant, space them out about two to three feet (60 to 90 cm) apart to give the plants plenty of room to spread out as they grow.
Moving an indoor peace lily outdoors
Indoor peace lilies can be planted out in the garden but they need some time to adjust to the new environment.
You can harden the plants off by placing them outdoors for a few hours each day to get them used to the different conditions before planting them.

Peace lilies like soil that is consistently moist but not waterlogged.
Water your peace lilies in the garden once a week or more during warm weather, especially if you’re not getting much rain.
If the foliage starts to droop, it’s a sign that the plant needs more water.
Peace lilies planted in the garden don’t need a lot of fertilizer but they’ll benefit from the application of a slow release fertilizer in spring.
Dividing peace lilies
Peace lilies produce offsets at the base of the plant and you can leave them in place to form clumps or divide the plants every few years.
RELATED: How To Divide Peace Lilies
Outdoor peace lilies can be affected by a few different pests including:
Mealybugs – white fuzzy looking insects
Scale – insects that look like small brown lumps that appear on the leaves
Spider mites – look like yellow or brown spots on the leaves
If you notice any of these pests on your peace lilies you’ll need to take action quickly to get the infestation under control.
Wipe the leaves down with a damp cloth to remove as many of the insects as possible and spray the leaves with a neem oil spray or insecticidal soap.
It’s best to spray the plants in the evening to avoid burning the leaves.

Peace lily toxicity
Peace lily plants contain calcium oxalate crystals which can irritate the mouth and throat and cause nausea in humans and pets if any part of the plant is ingested. [1]
If you have small children or pets it’s best to keep outdoor peace lilies in a fenced off area where dogs, cats and kids can’t get to them.
How tall do peace lilies grow outdoors?
Most peace lily varieties grow one to two feet (30 to 60 cm) tall but there are some outdoor varieties that can reach six feet (1.8 metres) tall.
Can peace lilies tolerate full sun?
Peace lilies grow best in partially shaded spots in the garden because the leaves will burn if they’re exposed to strong sunlight.
Are peace lilies frost tolerant?
Peace lilies aren’t frost hardy so if you live in an area that receives frosts it’s best to leave the plants in pots and move them inside before it starts to get cold.
So there are my tips for growing peace lily plants outdoors.
With the right location and care you can enjoy beautiful peace lily plants in your garden for many years to come.
Have you had success growing peace lilies outdoors? Let me know in the comments below.
Are you on Pinterest? I have boards dedicated to Flowering Plants and Garden Ideas that you may find helpful. You can also find me on Facebook.

What to do with outdoor peace lilies when they have finished blooming?
Hi Eamon, once they’ve finished blooming you can cut the flower stem at the base to keep the plant looking tidy.
I wish to say that this post is very helpful, nicely written and includes all the important information. Thank you.
What to do with brown tips on my peace lilies planted outdoors?
Hi Polly, brown leaf tips on outdoor peace lilies is usually a sign of underwatering or overwatering. How often are you watering at the moment?