Advantages of Container Gardening

Container gardening has many advantages over traditional gardening, and its ideal for gardeners with limited space.

In this article I’ll cover the many benefits of container gardening and provide some helpful tips for optimizing your results when growing herbs, flowers and vegetables in containers.

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Space Saving Solutions

As a landscape gardener specializing in small space gardening, one of the biggest advantages of container gardening for me is the space-saving aspect.

With container gardening you can grow a variety of plants in a small area, so it’s perfect for apartment residents and anyone with a small backyard.

One way to maximize space is by using a garden bench planter, which combines seating with planters, to maximize your growing space.

You can also try vertical gardening by using hanging baskets, wall-mounted planters, or trellises to grow your plants upwards to save space.

nasturtium hanging pots

Versatility and Mobility

Another advantage of container gardening is its versatility.

You can grow a wide variety of plants in containers, including vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

This allows you to experiment with different plant combinations and create a unique garden display tailored to your preferences.

Container gardens also offer excellent mobility.

You can easily move the containers around as needed to catch the light, protect them from extreme weather or rearrange them throughout the season.

I like to put large pots on a plant stand with wheels to make it easier to move them around.

Container gardens are also an excellent option for renters to create a beautiful and productive garden without the hassle of permanent fixtures and you can take the plants with you when you move.

colorful container garden

Improved Soil Control

Container gardening allows you to have full control over the soil in the containers so you can create the perfect environment for your plants and ensure that they receive the appropriate nutrients, moisture, and aeration for optimal growth.

When choosing soil for your containers, it’s important to avoid using regular garden soil because it can easily become compacted and waterlogged.

I like to make my own soil-based mix using one part garden soil, one part peat moss, and one part perlite or coarse builders sand, based on this soil recipe from (University of Illinois Extension).

This custom soil mix allows for improved drainage and aeration, and prevents common problems like root rot or poorly performing plants.

If you don’t want to make your own potting mix, choose a high quality, pre-made potting mix that drains easily.

container vegetable garden

Pest and Weed Management

Growing plants in containers means that you’ll spend less time weeding because its easier to spot and remove any weeds that do pop up in a container.

Container gardens also tend to have fewer problems with pests because you can monitor each plant closely.

If an issue arises, you can easily isolate the affected plant from the rest, reducing the chance of spreading the infestation.

This also allows you to treat specific pests with targeted solutions, such as organic pesticides, or wiping the leaves with neem oil.

Larger pests like rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons pose less of a threat to container gardens, since you have the flexibility to move your plants to higher, safer locations or move them indoors.

container flower garden

Easier Accessibility

Container gardening offers easier accessibility compared to traditional in-ground gardens.

The containers can be positioned at a comfortable height, on a shelf or table, so you can tend to your plants whether you are seated or standing.

This is particularly helpful for people with mobility challenges or anyone wanting to garden without excessive bending.

colorful containers

Inspires Creativity

Creating a container garden offers you the chance to unleash your imagination and express your personality.

By selecting unique and eye-catching containers, you can add a personal touch to your garden and make it stand out from traditional gardens.

There are countless ideas for creative containers that you can explore, like repurposing old farmhouse sinks, antique wheelbarrows, or even vintage teapots to create stunning displays in your garden.

Combine vibrant flowers with low-maintenance foliage plants or mix up your plant selections with different foliage colors to add visual interest.

Environmental Benefits

Container gardening gives you greater control over the growing conditions, so you can manage the impact of weather to conserve water by providing your plants with the exact amount they need.

Using containers for gardening means that you can repurpose items you might have otherwise thrown away, like plastic bottles and old buckets. This not only saves you money but also reduces waste in landfill.

Lastly, growing plants in containers provides much needed habitat for birds and beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, helping them to thrive in urban areas.

upcycled bottle containers

Container Ideas

Repurposed materials – Containers don’t need to be expensive; use upcycled items like old buckets, wine barrels, or watering cans.

Window boxes – Window boxes are a classic container gardening choice, perfect for growing herbs, flowers and small vegetables.

Self Watering Containers – If you don’t have time to water frequently, self-watering containers are an ideal option that allow you to set it and forget it.

Vertical planters – Use hanging baskets, wall-mounted pots, or multi-tiered planters to make the most of limited space.

Container Gardening Tips

Choosing the right containers is essential for a successful container garden.

Consider lighter colored pots, rather than dark-colored or metal pots, to prevent the soil overheating and drying out too quickly.

Also, pay attention to drainage. Containers should have a few holes in the bottom that allow water to flow freely and prevent root rot.

You can add a layer of gravel at the bottom of your containers to improve drainage.

Lastly, make sure to give your plants enough room to grow.

Container plants will need to be repotted every two to three years to avoid becoming root bound.

Even if you don’t have a large outdoor space, your container garden can still thrive as long as the plants have access to decent light, such as on a patio, deck, or balcony.

container flowers in full sun


Container gardening offers many advantages over traditional gardening and gives you an opportunity to make the most of your outdoor space.

What do you like best about container gardening? Let me know in the comments below.

Are you on Pinterest? I have boards dedicated to Urban Gardens and Container Gardening that you may enjoy. You can also find me on Facebook.

container gardening advantages

Kelly Martin

Hi, I'm Kelly Martin, a landscape gardener and designer with over 10 years experience. I have a passion for small space gardening and I love designing and creating beautiful outdoor spaces that maximize the potential of small urban gardens. Read more

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